Welcome to the OPENLang MOOC, a 4 weeks’ Massive Open Online Course produced in the framework of the OPENLang Network European project. The OPENLang MOOC aims at the creation, the sharing and the use of multilingual and interactive Language Open Educational Resources (OER). This MOOC is addressed to language teachers, trainers, and learners who wish to explore the (re) use, creation, and sharing of Language OER.
Each of the 4 weeks of this MOOC, consists of a set of modules and a quiz. After you study the modules of each week and pass the quiz, you will be awarded a badge. After you complete the whole MOOC, you will earn a free certificate of participation.
- MOOC designer and Teacher/Tutor: Dr. Maria Perifanou, University of Macedonia, Greece
- Platform development and technical support: Dr. Alexander Mikroyannidis, The Open University, UK